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Chapter 21: November 2016

November 01, 2016 - 720 words - 4 mins Found a typo? Edit me


Sweet memories

Patience and tranquility.

It is not difficult to realize that everything is constantly changing as long as we genuinely want to be a part of it.

Feel that all these adventures throughout this time have been nothing more than the result of the circumstantial needs we have found ourselves surrounded by. And we, trying to overcome all adversity with no greater guidance than the hardness and spontaneity of that which surprises us so much day after day: life itself. Without a doubt, we will be the ones to have the final say about our being and its decisions for posterity.

For those memories that still haunt us and travel wherever we go. We take care of them to the extent of their value, encouraging ourselves to improve alongside them. Still, above all, we understand that we are the product of them today but not necessarily tomorrow.

Not neglecting our aspirations, those desires we long for, that reference we might miss so much… Looking at ourselves and recognizing ourselves without the need for mirrors. Reality sometimes seems so distant and different from how we believe it should be because observing ourselves without reason will inevitably distance us from our essence.

Memories still awaiting their birth. Thirst for reflection, but above all, the desire to build the best version of ourselves. Until the end of our days. Wishing for a bitter farewell then, but inevitable and abundant sweet memories.


When plans become so unrecognizable, accepting them becomes a challenge in their complexity.

Admitting the uncertain future is so complicated that even the future itself would be frightened by its unforeseen events.

Unpleasant surprises are so inevitable that even our own destiny would be alarmed by its so unnoticed and possibly commonplace tomorrow.

Blind opportunities that, along with indiscreet verses, are surprised day after day by their adventures, some so uncontrollable and others so sudden that even sleeping without dreams, living without aspirations, tend toward dissatisfied normality. I am those blind opportunities. I am those indiscreet verses.

Insecure and alarming suspicions until the moment comes and reality surprises us with firm harshness—and unbreakable certainty—regardless of our possible discontent.

Inevitable discrepancy. Discontent with that situation that seems to surpass us by too much. Still shaken to assimilate.

Adapt to everything that is yet to come. “He who stumbles and does not fall, advances.”

Our biggest mistake

The two most significant human errors are the religious and political denigration to which we have led ourselves. And I say two when I could say one; we could abstract these branches, as distant as they are linked, into a single fantasy that seeks the well-being of oneself.

What is religion if not a spiritual utopia? It is not conclusive but adaptive, according to the time and cultural trends in which, as rational beings, we have been evolving. And what is politics if not the administrative ideal of the public with which it seems we are obliged to coexist?

Both politics and religion have always gone hand in hand, to a greater or lesser extent. And I don’t mean that they are superficially linked, although historically they have been. Even if we try to unlink them today, this connection goes beyond an apparent simple connection.

Religion, like politics, reflects our failure to understand ourselves as equals. It is the purest evidence of our impurity. It is the manifesto of our reality and our lack of understanding of what is not us.

Both religion and politics are nothing more than unattainable utopias intertwined without an evident end. They are the problem without a solution, the paradox of their logic, as we will be forced to deal with these issues until the end.

I am not asserting that both politics and religion are unnecessary and senseless. I declare that we will be wrong in claiming to be right in any utopia. Politics is necessary; hence, it reflects our lack of understanding, just as religion is evidence of our backwardness as rational beings.

Ultimately, politics must — or should— ensure our well-being as collective beings. However, religion has abused ignorance, both of those who wanted it and those who had no other options.

Therefore, our biggest mistake will be any belief disposed of— even predisposed— in any utopia.